How to Build Muscular Biceps
Many bodybuilders would wish to get big biceps because they are admired by many people. Biceps and triceps are very important because they show your bodybuilding progress. Therefore if you are a novice bodybuilder you need to remember to change your training routine so that it can include workouts targeting the biceps. People who have big biceps usually like flexing them because they show how strong they are. Women are also attracted to men who have big biceps and it is the reason why bodybuilders with big biceps are in huge demand among women.
If you want to increase your biceps this article will help you achieve this, all you need to do is follow the following training routine;
1. Direct bicep exercises
If you want to succeed in bodybuilding then you need to learn and understand the concept that less is more in bodybuilding. You need to keep this in mind when you are working your biceps. For your biceps to increase steadily, you should not perform a lot of reps and sets. You can implement three training methods if you want train your biceps: Standing-barbell curls- You should start this type of exercise with warming up first by performing at least twenty reps, then perform the sets as follows;
- Set 1: 1 by 8 reps (at 50% of personal maximum)
- Set 2: 1 by 8 reps (at 60% of personal maximum)
- Set 3: 1 by 8 reps (at 70% of personal maximum)
- Set 4: 1 by 8 reps (at 80% of personal maximum) Seated-dumbbell curls
- Set 1: 1 by 10 reps (at 60% of personal maximum)
- Set 1: 1 by 10 reps (at 70% of personal maximum)
- Set 1: 1 by 8 reps (at 80% of personal maximum)
- Set 1: 1 by 8 reps (at 80% of personal maximum) Preacher curls: 4 sets by 12 reps
2. Indirect biceps exercises
Compound exercises are very important when it comes to building the biceps. In fact when it comes to building the triceps and biceps this type of exercise is more effective than concentration curls. You should use heavy weights when performing compound exercises to train the biceps since the results will be better. For the biceps to respond and grow you need to give them adequate rest and proper training at the same time, here is a simple method of performing compound exercise;
- Chin-ups: 3 sets by the 12 reps
- Reverse-gripped Barbell Bent-over-rows: 4 sets by the 8 reps
- Seated-cable pulley-rows: 4 sets by the 12 reps
- Standing-dumbbell shrugs: 4 sets by the 12 reps
3. Eat properly
If you want to increase your biceps you need to eat a proper balanced diet. The diet should contain plenty of proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and are therefore very important. The other thing you need to include in your diet is carbohydrates. Carbohydrates will help you add more calories. Calories are the fuel of the body which enables a person to train intensely. Carbohydrates also contain glycogen which is used to build muscles.
Dane Fletcher
Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals