Anaerobic Training Approach to Bodybuilding
There are always differences among professional on the best measures to adopt in order to gain muscles as a bodybuilder. It is a common belief among many people that anaerobic training holds the key to increased muscle mass. It is also taken as truth the suggestion that anaerobic training will lead to greater chances of enhanced endurance levels and long-term muscle consolidation. Due to the higher levels of testosterone in men than women, there is ease of achieving hypertrophy in the former group.
Taking increased dosages of testosterone is another common option which makes many body builders reliant on anabolic steroids for maximum muscle growth. Medical prescription is a requirement which ensures that all those bodybuilders who violate this rule are disqualified from taking pert in future competitions. Steroid users get an unfair advantage in competitions and this beats the rationale behind competitions.
Taking of substances containing anabolic steroids is a sure way of increasing results, but has severe psychological consequences. The health issues raised are the greatest hindrance to their acceptance within bodybuilding fraternity. There are some basic guiding principles which have been agreed on by experts in this field. The problem is that are sometimes contradicted by new research. For instance, progressive overload viewed by many as the most compelling principle behind success of hypertrophy, such that you only need to increase the reps weight-lifting measures and number of sets in order to get growth. This creates a situation where experts come up with complicated arrangements involving reps, sets and weights in order to provide a winning bodybuilding formula. For example you need to keep the number of sets the same by doing more reps and keeping the weight constant. For instance, it is a common belief that 15 reps will not be enough to increase your body weight. Just make sure that the efforts are enough to stimulate growth.
Damage of muscle fibers as a result of hypertrophy is called micro trauma. The muscles damaged are the tiny ones. When micro trauma takes place, due to strenuous training, the response provoked by the body is that involving overcompensation. This is replacement of the damaged tissues with others and even adding more as a bodily defensive mechanism. This prevents future muscle damage. This is why you have to have to overload your body system in order to experience any form of growth. As the body overcompensates, the general trend is towards adaptation. With adaptation comes resistance to stress.
For every bodybuilder, anaerobic exercises can be made intense enough to initiate an anaerobic mechanism. It is also important as a measure geared towards increasing resistance and reducing the stress that characterizes newcomers into bodybuilding. Skeletal muscles are the greatest victims of micro trauma. The new muscles combine with older cells and they are strengthened in the process. The satellite muscles are believed to be the secret that comes with success in muscle hypertrophy. They are key to the increase in the size of sarcomeric cells and they lake the cell as a whole appear larger and more compact.
Dane Fletcher
Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals
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